June is a guaranteed month of insanity. :) There is always something going on within the family with so many birthdays this month, summer solstice and father's day thrown in the mix and a potential trip or two. The month started out with the Rundio's annual fishing trip to Greer. This year everything was quite different because of the fire that was raging throughout eastern Arizona and New Mexico. When leaving, I had no idea how close the fire was to where we would be staying. The closer we got to Greer, the more in shock I was with just how BIG this fire was. This was our view driving into Greer...

While we were there, we were put on pre-evacuation notice from the local sheriff's department. We had to leave the next day. We stayed around for as long as we thought was safe to let the kids do some fishing and enjoy the beauty that is Greer. It was quite emotional, really...leaving this sweet town without knowing whether or not it would make it through this fire. I had never before been this close to the magnitude of a wild fire. That energy is intense! This was our view as we were leaving the next day:

The rest of the month was filled up with celebrations and activities and swim dates. We also started a weekly library date with Granny and Grandpa so that the kids can get to the library every week and so that mama has a couple of hours to herself (and Kodiak)...to clean in peace. ;) It has been rather nice! We also planted a wee garden on the Spring Equinox and this month we have really seen it blossom to fullness. The sunflowers have been our favorite and the kids really enjoyed seeing them grow to such heights! We recently harvested them and are drying the seeds.

Father's day celebrations were full of fun. I am really trying to make a more conscious effort in encouraging the children in gifting handmade. I always hold it as intention, as well as using natural materials in whatever we give...but I really want to step it up a bit and be more proactive in the gift giving. I know that within my own life and with my own children...the handmade gifts are of a very special variety. For father's day this year, we tried to be mindful of this and took on a few last minute projects for the men in our families. Hopefully we will be more on top of the game as each celebration presents itself. ;)

(josh, wearing his princess crown that journey made him)
asher giving Grandpa GG a big thank you hug for the wonderful movies that he got for his birthday. Grandpa GG knows exactly what he likes!

And the month rounded up with this incredible boy's 7th birthday. There are no words to describe what I feel for this soul. He amazes me continuously and he brings so much meaning into this life. He wanted a surprise party for his birthday...so I gave him one! He was certainly surprised and it was one of those moments that has you smiling until you cry...to see his reaction and the beautiful FUN energy of it all. I asked him what he wanted to do on his birthday and he said he wanted to go swimming at Nonnie and Papa's house. I knew that I could easily pull off a surprise by taking him over there to swim. His dear friends in his homeschool group were there waiting to surprise him for an afternoon of swimming. He had a great time!
For his birthday, Josh and I promised him a trip out to La Brea Tar Pits in L.A. because it is one of his most treasured destinations of all time at the moment. We planned to take him the weekend after his birthday, but plans have been changed and we probably won't make it out there until August.
It was an eventful month! We are blessed with so many wonderful friends and family.