
on the mend

Flower child Journey
reflecting our good spirits.
Yep...things are looking brighter around here the past few days. We all seem to be on the road to recovery and it has been a smooth ride since Sunday... and no one is happier about that than me. My throat is much better and I am looking forward to some slow and easy days with my babes. Unplugged, that is. We are holding our own tv turnoff week starting yesterday. We usually don't indulge too much anyway, but total elimination seems just the right thing to do after a week of sickness. I also just finished reading a chapter on the subject of TV in one of my simple living books, and am reminded that there is ALWAYS room for improvement in this area! It seems to go along with some of the mental and emotional processing I have had from this week of detoxing. Shifting down, eliminating, focusing...doing without. I've been working on a list of ideas to simplify and help align our family with these values. Perhaps I will share more when the moment is right.
Other than that...just doing a lot of loving and re-centering.
enjoy your day!


GG said...

I am so happy to hear that everyone is feeling better! That is a humdinger of a photo of Journey. I would like for you to send me a copy of it if possible. I tried to print it out but everytime I try that I get all 12 or so pages of your blog. I am not computer smart!

As for TV. I decided that when American Idol finished I was not going to allow myself to get hooked on any more reality shows or shows that continue their storyline each week. I am tired of being a prisoner to TV. However, I know I will give in again when Prison Break returns in the Fall!!! But so far I am not giving in on my private TV boycott. GG

Jamie said...

She is truly human sunshine. Good for the soul! :)
A week of no TV sounds very peaceful and invigorating. It's amazing how much more we achieve when we're not sitting on the sofa! :) I think that having grown up without a TV is a blessing. It allows is the insight to know that there are SO many other cool things to do. Like having stink bug races!! :)

Melanie said...

what a cutie! :)