I have been occupying a tender little place for the past week or so. I noticed that several experiences in my life were taking me to these places of fear, where I started to want to shut down a little bit, close off, and cuddle up. My mind has been trying to attach to several different distractions where I am quickly brought back to the root of it all and I am left with the fears and the emotions that accompany those fears.
I've noticed that I am learning a lot about where I look for validation and where I allow other people's opinions to define parts of me. I have been having some really useful conversations with some of the lovelies in my life...where I am led to a better understanding of what my fears are telling me. And for the most part, I am still kind of sitting with the murkiness of it all, because that has become my practice of getting through it. I know that it is all here to tell me something. I know that I am hearing these fears for a reason and that I am coming up against situations that touch on these fears in order for me to better understand how to live courageously in the face of them. I know that it all makes up life as a practice of opening further and living more fully.
I am honoring all of it.
Today I organized certain parts of my house.
I cleaned and I went through "stuff" and the whole day held a meditative pulse where I was able to check in with myself and ground in small experiences of peace.
It reminded me of how much I need that daily grounding that can only come through awareness.
I haven't really been doing that lately...
and I can see that when this happens, the problems seem bigger...
the patience is thinner,
I feel smaller,
and any small emotional distraction can take me for a walk around the park, leaving my center behind.
When I come back, this is where I can see what is right in front of me.
This is where I can access that infinite part of who I am...the one that is clear and loving and fully supported.
This is the place where dreams are born and made real.
*Light in the darkness*
hugs honey, xo
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